Teeth whitening is extremely popular. People have gone to their dentist for professional teeth whitening for years and the over the counter business is booming. Your smile is one of your best assets and everyone wants a whiter smile.

An article came out onto MSNBC today about the stains wine causes on your teeth. Everyone has been aware that red wine causes stains, however, this new study shows that white wine also can cause stains. So what should you do now?

We suggest taking everything in moderation. While the best solution is to avoid the cause, if you like wine, drink in moderation and rinse your mouth after drinking. Continue to care for your teeth and see your dentist every six months. If you are truly concerned about your smile, ask your dentist about professional teeth whitening.

At Tempe Dental Care we can help you take care of your smile and answer any questions you may have. Give us a call at (480) 730-5000 to schedule a consultation. We can even provide immediate appointments for emergencies! And remember, you don’t need to give up everything you enjoy to keep your smile looking it’s best.