Turn off the faucet!

Did you know that turning off the faucet while you’re brushing your teeth can save between 20-30 gallons of water per week per PERSON in your household? Brushing your teeth is a huge part of maintaining good oral health. But leaving the faucet on while you’re brushing...

New Insurance

Whether you are new to the Phoenix area or have put off visiting the dentist for any reason, you will always be welcome at Tempe Dental Care. We look forward to assisting you with your dental needs and want you to know that we are committed to providing outstanding...

Choosing A Dentist in Tempe AZ

When it comes to your smile, it can be extremely hard to put your trust into someone new. At Tempe Dental Care, we completely understand. But what happens if your dentist retires, you move, or your dental insurance changes? More and more people are having to look for...