Sedation Dentistry May Ease Fears

Sedation dentistry is a way for dentists to help patients overcome dental phobias, dental anxiety, and dental fears. At Tempe Dental Care, we thought it would interesting to do some research into some of the top things that are discussed online as things that people...

What is Sedation Dentistry

With an estimated 75% of Americans having at least a slight fear of the dentist, sedation dentistry is growing in popularity. To paraphrase Wikipedia’s definition, sedation dentistry uses “pharmacological agents to calm and relax a patient prior to and during a dental...

Why Do We Offer Sedation Dentistry?

Why do we offer sedation dentistry? We believe gentle and affordable dental care is extremely important for everyone to receive. Providing good routine dental care is one of the best ways we can provide affordable dental care. Almost all dental problems can be...

Types of Sedation Dentistry

If you have any dental anxiety, it’s completely understandable that you may have avoided your dentist for quite some time. If you are currently having dental problems, the first step you need to take is to fix the problem. Sedation dentistry can extremely helpful if...