Gum sensitivity can not only be an irritating problem, sometimes it can be downright painful. Do you find yourself cringing when something hot or cold hits your gums and feels like it is traveling through your tooth? If you do, then you have gum sensitivity and some activities you have been doing can be the culprit.

Sometimes brushing your teeth too much can be a bad thing. If you have brushing your teeth with too much force, you’re not only taking off layers of food, but also layers of important enamel exposing your teeth. Tiny microscopic hollow tubes can form that lead right to your dental nerves. To help with this it is important to switch to a toothbrush with softer bristles and be gentler on your teeth while brushing. The toothpaste you are using can also be a problem for your teeth and gums. Tooth whitening toothpaste can have chemicals that can cause people to have tooth sensitivity. If you think this might be the case try switching toothpaste to see if your sensitivity goes away. Certain mouthwashes can also be the cause of your problem as well. Skip the mouthwash and try more flossing.

Gum disease is a major problem for tooth and gum sensitivity. If your gums are receding you may need to have to have gum surgery to protect your teeth and repair the gums so important nerves and the structure of the tooth is not exposed. Plaque can also be causing your teeth and nerves to be exposed. Excessive plaque can cause the enamel of your teeth to wear down, which can also cause your gums to recede. Regular visits to the dentist for cleanings and keeping up on your overall dental hygiene can help drastically reduce the amount of plaque in your mouth.

Your diet can also be a cause for some of the sensitivity you are feeling. If you eat a lot of acidic foods such as tomato sauce, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi, and pickles you might feel pain. Avoiding these foods can stop your gums from becoming irritated. Look for other foods that do not cause gum sensitivity instead.

If you grind your teeth, you are wearing down the enamel. This exposes the middle layer of the tooth that contains hollow tubes that lead to your nerves. Wearing a mouth guard at night can help prevent further damage from happening. Your tooth might already be cracked from grinding or other activities and this can be a reason why it is so sensitive.

It is important to see your dentist right away if you are having any sensitivity issues. In some cases it might be as simple as making a lifestyle change and for others it may require a dental procedure to solve the problem. If you are experiencing gum sensitivity, call the gentle Arizona dentists at Tempe Dental Care at 480.730.5000.