Our Dentistry Because We Care charity dental event was fantastic! We’ll continue to add updates for a while since there is so much great information to get out.

If you didn’t hear about it before, Tempe Dental Care opened it’s office doors on 4/9/10 to 200 people who could not afford dental care. The entire office donated their time to help these people get free top of the line dental care. While care was given on a first come, first served basis, we worked hard to help as many people as we could between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone who attended had an option to choose a free dental cleaning, filling, or extraction.

People started lining up at 5:30 in the morning on Friday: we even had someone drive all the way from Globe, Arizona. The goal of this event was to provide dental care to those who weren’t able to get it otherwise: our Tempe dentists and everyone in the office is very happy we were able to make this possible for people all over Phoenix!

Plus, we were very excited to have ABC 15 out at our offices on Thursday to help us get the word out about our event and their follow up on Friday.

We have many stories, pictures, and even videos we want to share from this event, so we’ll make sure to post them as they get uploaded.

A big thank you to everyone who helped spread the word about our Dentistry Because We Care Event. This is an annual event and this year’s was our most successful so far. Thank you for helping us spread the word!