It’s been said over and over that regular visits to the dentist help you keep your smile healthy and prevent bigger problems down the road, but if you have dental anxiety or suffer from a dental phobia, that may be the worst thing you can think of.

When you have dental anxiety or a fear of the dentist, making the trip twice a year to your dentist can be excruciating and the last thing you want to think about. You may get anxious, fearful, or overwhelmed by just the thought of going to the dentist. Or, you may experience a multitude of physical symptoms such as nausea, light-headedness, or others that your dental anxiety or fear produce. Relax, there’s a solution for you!

Sedation Dentistry, the solution for Dental Anxiety or Fear

Sedation dentistry is a form of dentistry that allows patients who have dental anxiety or a dental phobia to receive the proper dental care in a safe environment where they can be relaxed and anxiety-free. There are two forms of sedation dentistry, oral sedation dentistry and IV sedation dentistry. The dentists at Tempe Dental Care are certified sedation dentists.

How Sedation Dentistry Can Help You

Whether you have a mild anxiety or a severe phobia, sedation dentistry may be just the solution for you. It can help you receive routine dental cleanings without pain and anxiety to help you prevent future problems or it can help you receive multiple procedures at once, painlessly and anxiety-free. Our dentists will meet with you to discuss your options and see if sedation dentistry is a good solution for you.

If you’re interested in sedation dentistry or would like more information, please contact Tempe Dental Care, the certified sedation experts, at (480) 730-5000.