Making you as comfortable as possible is our top priority. All the dentists and dental hygienists at Tempe Dental Care are specialists in gentle dentistry and make providing you with high-quality, state-of-the-art care.

One of the services we offer to make your visit easier is sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry includes mild and moderate sedation as well as deep sedation. We offer sedation dentistry to our patients based on a number of factors, including the type of procedure, your overall health, allergies, and your anxiety level.

Depending on the dental office, mild and moderate sedation can include anti-anxiety medications, nitrous oxide, or sedatives to help you relax during your visit. These are usually combined with local anesthetics to provide the best experience possible. Prior to a sedation dentistry visit, you and your dentist will assess your overall health status, any medications you’re taking, and any problems you may have had to medication in the past. It’s extremely important to be honest and straight-forward with your sedation dentist to ensure the best results.

At Tempe Dental Care, we follow all the ADA guidelines and have dentists that are certified in both oral and IV sedation dentistry. Your health and comfort are our top priorities and we take every precaution to keep you safe, healthy, and comfortable.

If you are interested in learning more about sedation dentistry, call our office to discuss your options in more detail. You can also schedule a consultation with one of our sedation dentists to see how sedation dentistry can work for you. Regardless of the dental office you choose, make sure you are comfortable with your dentist and the procedure every step of the way… that is one of the easiest things you can do to have a good dental experience.