Many people wonder about what conscious IV sedation dentistry is and the benefits of choosing such an avenue for their own dental care. IV stands for “intravenous” or through the veins. Conscious IV sedation dentistry is the practice of sedating patients through an intravenous application so that the patient becomes sedated for oral care or surgery. Patients prefer this form of dentistry and sedation because it is very effective and painless.

Conscious IV sedation dentistry in Arizona is a very efficient way to perform operations for both the dentist and the patient. With intravenous sedation dentistry you, as a patient, will not fall asleep during the operation. Rather, you become completely relaxed, and therefore; you can respond to the dentist. This intense feeling of relaxation relieves pain and anxiety associated with the operation. It has also been reported that some patients feel “refreshed” after conscious IV sedation operations. Also, many patients recall almost nothing of their operations. This facet of sedation dentistry is especially beneficial to those who do not like going to doctor’s offices or who have trouble around blood.

Another benefit of Arizona conscious IV sedation dentistry is that the onset of the sedating medicine is faster than other routes of administration. Patients become sedating almost immediately when compared to an oral route of administration. Patients who are anxious about the dental surgery or procedure would prefer IV sedation dentistry for this purpose – the patient can become relaxed and at ease faster!

You may be saying to yourself “This is great, but what’s the catch?”. There is no catch! Conscious IV sedation dentistry in Arizona is an efficient and safe way to provide dental care to those with dental anxiety. Approach your dentist about performing dental care while sedated if you have problems with going to the dentist. Your dentist may even suggest IV sedation dentistry as an option when considering lots of dental surgery. Sedation dentistry will keep you calm and, believe it or not, you will be able to communicate with your dentist during sedation. Although, you may be too comfortable and relaxed to bother with communicating at all!