A trip to the dentist office used to mean a couple of things when it came time to have any kind of procedure done. The first usually involved receiving numbing injections in the mouth which, although relatively painless, would reduce people to break into a sweat at the sight of the needle. The second option meant being given a gas that would knock you out for the length of the procedure, with the major downside being that grogginess would often follow once it was all done. The first of those options was often enough to keep people away from the dentist, especially since the latter meant that you would often feel completely out of it for the remainder of the day.

Much in the way that the procedures themselves have improved due to new technology, the way in which patients are sedated has also changed. It is now possible to get that tooth pulled or cavity filled without having to be in a panic or knocked out for the count. The latest technique employed by many dentists across the country is known as conscious IV sedation dentistry, which basically allows you to relax during your visit, yet still be awake and aware of what is going on around you.

As you may have already guessed by the name, an anti-anxiety drug is administered intravenously to help relax you during your visit. This will virtually eliminate all fear and pain associated with a regular visit to the dentist office and might even allow you to get all the dental work you need done in a single sitting. Better yet, if you are still feeling a little nervous when the work is being done, you can simply ask the dentist to alter the level of sedation so that you can become more relaxed.

You may even find that you become relaxed to the point of actually enjoying yourself a little. You are always conscious during the entire sedation process, but you will almost feel as though you are in a dream-like state. Time will fly by, even if you are undergoing a procedure that takes hours to complete. The after effects of the sedation are usually very short, but you should still ask a friend or family member to drive you home after your visit, just in case the sedatives last a little longer than normal.

It’s perfectly natural to have fears and concerns about visiting the dentist. Even knowing that new technological advancements has made dentistry as quick and painless than ever, there are still many people that just can’t seem to shake their anxiety about hitting that dreaded chair. Conscious IV sedation dentistry has now made it possible to get the work done that you need without spending a ton of time in an anxious state. Sure, you may still walk into the dentist office with your nerves jangling, but in no time at all you will feel relaxed, rested, and best of all your teeth will look great.